Figuring out how who to trust in a world obsessed with eating healthy and finding the “right” workouts can be really confusing. For anyone looking for sustainable advice that is actually practical, its easy to fall into a trap of false promises when you don’t know what to look for.

I’ve spent years following and unfollowing accounts all about food, health, and wellness. Thank goodness, that I’ve found some amazing accounts and sites that I absolutely love in recent years.

1. Find Food Freedom

Sammy Previte works with people to do exactly what the business says. She uses an intuitive eating approach to help clients break free from diet culture and learn to enjoy food again. I discovered her page through her podcasts that she co-hosts with Jenna Werner of “Happy Strong Healthy”, “Drunk Dietitians.” She works one-on-one with clients and offers group coaching, and online courses as well. Her instagram handle is filled with encouraging tidbits that I’m sure you’ll love.

2. Hummusapian

A fellow graduate of Ohio State, Alexis Joseph, has some of the best recipes. Her instagram page is filled with so many different meal options as well as yummy desserts, snacks, bars, and so much more. Whenever I’m in need of some meal prep inspiration or have no idea what to make for your next get together she’s got you covered. Check her stuff out on Intsagram @hummusapien

3. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

When I am feeling insecure in my own body, the resources available through the NEDA are exactly what I need. I love reposting their content because it is so relatable and so reassuring in the fact that you are not alone. So, when you need a little reassurance and grace, check our their Instagram @neda.

Hope you can utilize these instagram accounts as much as I do!

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