Last week, we talked about what a carbohydrate is and that there are actually different types of carbs. This week I want to dive deeper into simple carbohydrates. 

So, we’ve got our simple carbs and complex carbs. If you recall simple carbohydrates are typically found in:

  • White bread
  • Desserts
  • Refined pastas
  • White rice
  • Candy
  • Snack foods

I know what you’re thinking…I feel like those are on the do not eat list…

What if I told you that simple carbs can all be a part of a healthy eating pattern. (I mean take a look at the picture below, do you really want to deprive yourself of that feeling) These foods do serve a purpose. They are digested the fastest, meaning, the energy provided gets to our body pretty fast and they’re usually pretty dang tasty. That’s why after you have some candy or ice cream you might feel a sugar rush 20 minutes later. 

A picture of me staring lovingly at a tube of chocolate chip cookie dough.
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Long distance runners and athletes use simple carbs all the time. Have you seen those gel packs, little fruit snack looking products, and sports drinks? When you’re running or training for long periods of time your body will actually get low on the fuel it needs to keep going. So, having a sport drink or gel pack is perfect for these individuals during a grueling workout for a few reasons:

  1. Quickly digested, body doesn’t have to put a lot of effort into getting these foods to the rest of the body
  2. Once broken down the body doesn’t have to change the carb into something different so the body can use it. (Protein and fat actually need to be converted to a different type of molecule so the body can use the energy it provides)
  3. Simple carbs keep blood sugar levels at an optimal level (blood sugar can drop during long work outs or long periods without eating) because your body uses the sugars in the blood as fuel for the working muscles

You can also use these foods when not working out. Basically, these foods can come in really handy when you’re feeling that low blood sugar, out of it feeling. 

If you’re someone who prefers not to eat first thing in the morning, adding a simple carb to your first meal of the day is a good idea to have some energy to fuel your body as quickly as possible. 

Maybe you eat breakfast, but get really caught up in your day and all of a sudden it’s 2pm and you feel woozy. Have some white rice with your lunch, a few pretzels, or a half and half sparkling water and lemonade. The quick source of sugar will raise your blood sugar and have you feeling back to normal in almost no time. 

But, as you were probably thinking before those foods aren’t the trendiest healthy foods you see on the shelves at Whole Foods. And you’re right. Simple carbs also tend to have higher amounts of:

  • Salt
  • Fat

And lower amounts of:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamins/Minerals

It’s more than okay to be getting some of your daily carbohydrate intake from simple carbs. But, if most of your carb intake is from simple carbs here’s what might happen:

  1. Quick digestion leads to feeling hungry again within an hour later (despite consuming a 300-500 calorie meal)
  2. You go back to the kitchen in search of something to curb your hunger. 
  3. Before you know it, you’re consuming more fuel than what your body needs 
  4. Excess energy is stored at fat and leads to weight gain

In order to get everything you need in a day AND stay feeling full and satisfied it’s a good idea to include more of the complex carbohydrates as well. 

That’s all for this week. Next week is all about complex carbohydrates. Stay tuned. 

xoxo, Josie

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