Happy New Year! Whether you’re relieved by the end of 2017 or feel like you completely crushed this year, a lot of pressure comes with the start of a New Year. With dieting and exercise at the forefront of so many resolutions it can be so easy to get lost in the craze of fad diets and feeling like we “should” be eating more vegetables, never touch sugar again, and join the gym. I challenge you before you jump on the bandwagon to really sit down and think about what is really going to work for you and what you actually want to do with the New Year.

In 2017, I completed my group fitness instructor training and officially taught my first classes and have been teaching for a whole year now. I have completed four certifications/certificates with my most recent being passing the ACE Group Fitness Exam. I have grown more through this experience than I ever imagined. This job (even though I hardly think of it as one) has taught me to be less rigid, think on my toes, given me so much confidence, and allowed me to give myself credit. So, many of these things were lacking in my life before this job.


I also have let go of so many rules surrounding food and eating that controlled my life before. I have never eaten more liberally and enjoyed food more than I do now. In the New Year I have started reading the book Intuitive Eating. This book, written by two registered dietitians, is to educate individuals on getting away from the dieting mentality and liberalizing your diet. So far it is so good! As I finish it I’ll have more information for y’all about intuitive eating and the book.


I started this blog in 2017. I put it off for so long, afraid I was going to sound silly or that I was not qualified enough to write about my experiences. But, I cast that aside and just went for it. And the amount of people that have brought Mind and Matter up to me is honestly amazing! So, thank you all so much for your support and love.


In 2018, I don’t want to make major change, but small ones that are more impactful than a cleanse diet or cutting sugar from your diet could ever be.


This year I decided I really wanted to think about 2017 what I did and come up with ways to set myself up for success in the New Year. So here’s what I did:


In a notebook I used one page to reflect on 2017. I started by listing my accomplishments and what I was happy to have achieved in the past 12 months. I also came up with a list of things where I wanted to improve. These include slowing down, being more intentional and present, creating routines, and picking up a book more often.

As I reflected on these lists I started thinking about the best ways to incorporate these improvements in a realistic way. So my large overarching goal in 2018 is to create a morning and nightly routine so I can go into the day feeling prepared and unrushed. I often am trying to pack for the day, eat breakfast. And of course I hit snooze a few times so I’m running the risk of being late to class. When I’m serious about meeting a goal, I always write it down. In the goal I make sure to list the specific ways I am going accomplish the said goal and I put a number on the amount of times I should do the task in a specific time frame.


Creating SMART goals is key to making lifestyle changes. SMART goals are simple, measurable, attainable, and relevant, and time-bound. I set up my goal sheet so that I can hang it and easily read it to keep me accountable. So for each routine (morning, night and Sunday) I came up with the things I want to be included in the routine. I came up with 4-5 items some are new and some I already do. A good goal does not have to have a crazy end point and honestly the more simple the better. That’s why I included eating breakfast in morning routine goal list. I decided that to start I want to do at least 3 of the items on the list each day. The option to mix and match is there for variety and starting off doing these tasks at least 3 days a week. All of my goals are centered on the list I made in my review of 2017. Some of these things include not hitting snooze and drinking more water in the morning, along with hitting the mat for some yoga and meditation to start the day in the right mindset, and ditching the phone while I eat. In the evening I’m going to start packing my lunch for the next day, drinking tea instead of coffee, and opening a book instead of falling into the black hole that is Netflix. My Sunday routine is more centered on grocery shopping and meal prepping for the week.


No matter your goals in the New Year, remember to do what works for YOU and finding healthy and sustainable ways to better your health. And maybe take a few minutes to reflect today and find where you want to set your intentions for the next year. If you don’t have goals that look like everyone else’s that’s OKAY, you’re better off living your life 110% the way you want to than following the crowd, especially if it is something you are passionate about.


Sending you the best of whishes in 2018 and look for many more recipes, fitness tips, and wellness advice in the next year. Here’s to giving yourself credit for everything you’ve accomplished in 2017 and all to come in 2018! Cheers!


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